What to Ask About Inclusive Access
You deserve the facts.
New textbook sales models like “Inclusive Access” are advertised as more affordable and equitable, but are they? Here are questions that every concerned community member should ask about automatic textbook billing.
Top Ten Questions to Ask About Inclusive Access
What efforts have been made to verify that Inclusive Access saves students money compared to what they currently spend?
How are the advertised student savings calculated? Is there a detailed methodology?
Can the program be implemented on an opt-in basis, rather than an opt-out basis? If not, why not?
Will students be informed of the amount they will be billed at the time they are registering for courses?
Will students be informed about the terms of service of the digital textbooks when they are registering for courses?
What efforts will be made to ensure a simple, transparent, and clearly-communicated opt in or opt out process?
If students opt out, will they still be able to complete all of the required assignments, or will they need to drop the course?
Has the campus agreed to any quotas for the number of students who need to be opted in?
What is the evidence that this model will benefit our students? Are there any multi-campus, peer-reviewed studies?
What plans are in place to ensure Inclusive Access prices don’t rise?