Savings or Spin?
Inclusive Access content may appear discounted, but not always by much, and prices can rise.
Convenient or Confined?
Inclusive access can provide first-day access to content, but it constrains students’ choices as consumers.
Opt-Out or Drop Out?
Students can opt out of Inclusive Access, but doing so can block them from required coursework.
Inclusive or Exclusive?
No matter what the price of Inclusive Access content is, it is still unaffordable for some students.
Retain or Just Rent?
Students never own Inclusive Access content—they usually rent it, sometimes for a higher price than a print rental.
Supported or Stymied?
Inclusive access can limit faculty’s freedom to choose materials that meet their students’ needs.
Deal or Data Grab?
Inclusive Access content can capture vast amounts of data on students and faculty.
Digital or Divided?
Broadband access and digital devices are a hidden cost of Inclusive Access, which can widen the digital divide.
Solution or Status Quo?
Peer-reviewed research found that Inclusive Access did not improve academic outcomes.